Peter Jeromel
Več časa ko preživim v gorah in naravi nasploh, bolj se zavedam krhkosti našega planeta ter hkrati nujnosti, da s svojim bivanjem povzročamo čim manj škodljivih vplivov na naš planet, tudi z obiskovanjem gora.
S svojim delom kot gorski vodnik in tudi kot posameznik, želim svojim gostom in ljudem okoli sebe približati to krhko ravnovesje, ta naš čudoviti planet, da ga bomo skupaj ohranili za prihodnje rodove.
The more time I spend in the mountains and in nature in general, the more I realise the fragility of our planet and the urgent need to minimise our impact on the planet, including by visiting the mountains.
Through my work as a mountain guide and as an individual, I want to bring this delicate balance, this beautiful planet of ours, closer to my clients and to the people around me, so that together we can help preserve it for future generations.