Gregor Kofler

Telefon: +386 41 608 297
Naslov: Kurirska pot 20, Mojstrana
Licenca: IFMGA

Sem Grega Kofler in z gorami sem dobesedno zrasel. Živim v najlepši vasici pod Triglavom, v Mojstrani, kjer me je oče že kot malaga fantiča jemal s seboj na hribovske avanture tako poleti kot pozimi na smuči.

Že pri 19 letih sem postal gorski reševalec ter malo kasneje alpinist ter alpinistični instruktor. Vmes sem pridobil tudi poklic profesorja športne vzgoje in po vsem tem sem opravil še zahtevno šolanje za mednarodnega gorskega vodnika IFMGA.

Z ženo imava športno agencijo Kofler Sport. Ponujamo paleto gorskovodniški programov, planinski in kolesarskih programi, nudimo izposojo gorniške opreme, koles, prevoze, v zimskem času pa že ob naštetem tudi smučarsko-tekaško šolo, krpljanje in servis smuči. Na kar sem pa predvsem ponosem pa so trije sinovi, ki me nasmejejo tako doma kot v gorah. Vsi pa tudi že pridnohribolazijo, plezajo, turno smučajo…


I am an IFMGA mountain guide born in 1980 in Mojstrana, a Slovenian village close to Mount Triglav 2864m, the highest mountain in Slovenia. From an early age, my parents took me to the mountains during summer and winter. I went to Climbing school, then to Mountain rescue team, I did the alpinist exam and I became an alpinist instructor. After that, I also studied to be a professor of sport. Several years later, I decided to begin my mountain guide education and became an IFMGA certified mountain guide. With wife we are owner of sports agency Kofler Sport. We offer plenty of mountain guiding programs, mountaineering and biking programs, we offer the rental of mountaineering equipment, bikes, transfers, and in the winter time, we also offer a ski and cross-country ski school, snowshoeing and ski service.

I am especially proud of my three sons, who make me smile both at home and in the mountains. All of them are mountaineers, they do rock climbing, ski touring, ice climbing…